PORTRAIT SERIES: The Students of Indonesia’s Only Islamic School for Trans People.

Image by Fujio Emura

Image by Fujio Emura

Originally founded in 2008, Pesantren al-Fatah is the only Islamic school for trans people in Indonesia, and the first of its kind in the world. The school’s primary activity is a weekly Sunday study group- a safe space in which the students can “pray together, discuss Islamic theology, and practice reading the Quran in Arabic”. On the other days of the week, it is a sanctuary and community hub for the trans community of Yogyakarta.

Photographer Fujio Emura’s latest portrait series captures some of the students in the space that embraces and teaches them.

Image by Fujio Emura

Image by Fujio Emura

Image by Fujio Emura

Image by Fujio Emura

I always work to ensure that my role as a photographer is not exploitative. Instead, for my personal work, I see myself as a vehicle that helps transfer and communicate issues to the wider audience. I am simply a tool that further amplifies the work of these women. However the problem with documenting a marginalised group is that, more often than not, the documenter gets the praise and recognition. This is why I am constantly checking my role in this environment. I could never fully understand their experience and my hope is only to expand global, particularly western consciousness and empathy towards the struggles of those less seen. Developing this type of ‘ethical’ practice takes time,” said Emura in an interview with i-D.

Image by Fujio Emura

Image by Fujio Emura

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the school, too. Not only have many of the women lost their income, but the government isn’t providing financial aid either. In a response to this, Emura set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds. “My hope from the GoFundMe Page is to provide a financial cushion for these women until the city lifts its lockdown in late September. 100% of the donation will go towards supporting their basic necessities including but not limited to food, shelter and sanitary goods.”


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